Wednesday, September 15, 2010

** It's a Waggish Wednesday **

I just discovered a new word I like! Waggish. Depending on which dictionary or thesaurus you use, it has various/similar meanings, but most are: cheerful, humorous, amusing. I'd say that sounds a lot like me!

Just a few short things this early morning: My blog friend, Mollye at is having a Clearance Sale on a lot of lovely craft items; lace, scrapbook paper, wallpapers, yarn, rubber stamps, ribbons, etc. If you're at all interested, please jump on over to Mollye's, because, She's A Doozy!

Because of the many comments about receiving a used book as a contest prize, being acceptable, that's what I'll do in the near future. I'll give away one or more of the many books I've already read. Details will follow when the time comes!

NPR Three Minute Fiction Contest  Have you heard about this contest? Click on the link and check it out. If your story wins, it will be read on NPR -- National Public Radio! Wow! Talk about a major listening audience!

I received an e-mail about a Call for Submissions for an anthology (Not Chicken Soup for the Soul). It didn't quite make sense after I got to the website, so I don't want to post it yet. I'll let you know what I find out.

And with that, I say Adieu!

"A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past - a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world." -- Lois Wyse


  1. A book is always a great prize, used or not!


  2. I love used books as prizes. The only giveaway I've ever won was a book.

    And if you get to be waggish, I want to be saucy...I love that word.

    I think I may have been a saucy wench in a previous life!

  3. Waggish. Such a great word! Thanks for the great competition link.

  4. I could not sleep well last night. I had gotten to sleep, and then was woken up at 12:47 when the alarm on my Blackberry Blogger Detector alarm went off. Another late-night posting!

    Thanks so much for the NPP link. I read the beginning and ending lines; I think I might have an idea, which means at least I will be writing!

  5. Oooh! A typo. Sorry. The NPR link was helpful. Again, thanks, Becky.

  6. I've heard of the NPR contests before, just never stopped by until now! Sounds like a fun contest, I've never tried one quite like it before. Thanks for the shove in that direction. :)

  7. I almost always buy used books. One I couldn't part with though is Anne LaMott's Grace Eventually, and I also like Bird by Bird. Waggish, :)

  8. Hi Becky!~ I always giggle to myself when I visit your blog. I love the fact you state you are a "Bliss Follower". *hugs*

  9. Ohh NPR..gotta look into that contest. Not to sound like a complainer...but can you move your music thing to the top of the page because I'm a Pandora user and always have music going and since your music plays automatically...and at the bottom of the page, it's chaos on the ears for 30 seconds. See, now I just sound like I'm pathetic but if you could move it so I can turn it off as soon as I open your page that would be awesome. :)

  10. Thanks for all the info, you waggish woman you.

  11. I'm running out the door, but thought I would reply to Jennee ~ Hey, no problem, but I thought of something different....I just changed it so my Play List doesn't automatically begin to play. That way it'll be up to everyone whether they want to hear it or not! Til later.......

  12. I'm loving that word waggish! It sounds so British :-)

  13. thanks for the info! I'll check out the link (hopefully soon) - today is a "waggish" day for me... (can I use the word if it is a hectic day yet I want to make fun if it and, more exactly, of me??)

  14. i like the word waggish. i wonder if it is because a dog wags his tail.

    I'm doing that NPR contest.

  15. I agree. Becky, that word is *you!*

  16. Becky, you are definitely waggish! I like that word too! I'm thinking pet lovers would really get into that word.

  17. I've got no business checking out that NPR contest as I am neck deep in rewrites. I've got no business here, either, but when a wag like you gets going, it's hard to resist. :-).

  18. Any book, used or not, is a treasure! And I like the word waggish, though I've not heard it before. It makes me think of my term for a happy dog: waggy-tail!

  19. I love all the comments everyone left!! I love it that most of you never heard of "waggish", myself included! I love it that y'all would love to win a used book! I love it that y'all think I AM WAGGISH!! :D


I'm still getting quite a few spam comments that are Anonymous, so I'm trying "User with Google Accounts." If anyone tries to comment that I know, and it won't let you, send me an email, okay? Thanks so much.