Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Night Thoughts

Have you ever written to a famous writer? I have, and to more than just one. And guess what? More than just one actually wrote back to me!

Before the days of e-mail, I either hand wrote or typed letters, expressing my love of their newest book, or their writing style. In one case, it was to tell the author how much her autobiography meant to me. How after reading what she went through in a terrible point in her life, helped me to have the courage to do something I desperately needed to do. And I did hear back from her!

There were a couple of others that besides expressing my love of their writing and their fictional characters, I included sample writings of my own, asking for advice. (Sometimes it helps to just be plain naive' or a little self-promoting!)

In the past ten years or so, I've written to seven authors.....and I heard back from five!

*Sunday afternoon note: Just wanted to add that I would never send an entire manuscript to anyone, without a request for it. I knew not to do that, even when I was a new and naive, let's say a 400 word story, that's different! And I'm NOT suggesting anyone should do that sort of thing, either. I'm just sharing something that I did when I didn't know any better....But hey, sometimes taking the road less traveled is the best road in life. 

What about you? Have YOU written to any famous writers?

"How can I believe in God when just last week I got my tongue caught in the roller of an electric typewriter?" -- Woody Allen


  1. I'm curious...What authors did you hear back from? (I've never written to an author.)

  2. I've never written to an author either.

    But I've had one comment on a a review of his book that I wrote on my blog. That was exciting!


  3. Yes, I have written to several authors, and received very nice, personal responses, but I would never submit unsolicited work to them, unless as a gift :)

  4. That's so cool!
    I haven't written to authors like you just described, unless all the wonderful writers I've met online count, like you :)

  5. I've written to just one author, Orson Scott Card, thanking him for inspiring my dream to write sci-fi, and received a very nice reply.

  6. Nope. But hope to. Hope to be able to say, "Write to her? She's my good friend!" ;)

  7. I haven't written to an author but I should! I think when a book moves you it would be nice to let them know. Thanks for the nudge!
    hugs, Linda

    PS I did meet Mary Kay Andrews and junked with her. I told her I loved her books.

  8. I think writing authors to compliment their work is a great idea. I'm kind of with Linda on this one, though--a successful author probably gets an awful lot of unsolicited writing samples. Anne Lamott even mentioned something about this when she spoke in St. Louis last year. I think she said she refuses to read manuscripts people send, because she'd never get her own work done. I guess it's probably different if someone's book is being published by a big house and they ask for a blurb, though. And it also probably depends on how "big" the author is. Someone starting out with one or two books by a smaller press might be more open to reading new writers' work. Who knows?

  9. Hi Becky,

    No, I haven't, but I reading a book right now that makes me consider doing just that. It is named "Expecting Adam" by Martha Beck.

    Another person that I would consider writing to is Stephen King, especially on his book "On Writing", to tell him thanks and that I'm glad that he recovered from his accident.

    Have a wonderful week, Becky!

    Take care and God bless,


    Sue, that is really exciting!

  10. Yep, I have written a few, Becky.I think the only one I did not hear back from was James Michner. I regret not writing a note to May Sarton while she was alive, but if you read her works, she had SO much mail that it became a burden...I did not want to add to that.

  11. I have written to an author once, but I never heard anything back from her. I just kind of chaulk it up to the celebrity status.

  12. I've written to a couple of poets, I only mailed one of the letters with a contest entry. Very encouraging. Maybe that's a contest you could sponsor! What would you say to your favorite author?

  13. Becky, I have written to a famous children's author and received a wonderful letter back. I've also been privileged to meet a number of famous authors because of my involvement in our book festival, sponsored by our library system. One I will never forget was Tony Hillerman, who was our first keynote speaker. We were able to get him because he was coming to a family reunion and would be in our county, where he was born, anyway. What a gentleman! The only challenge was to give him breathing room; everybody wanted to meet him and he was so gracious. I have found that authors are the very nicest people and our Oklahoma authors have told us that they loved our book festivals because it gave them the opportunity to hang out with each other and to meet readers and aspiring writers. (Also because we treated them like the VIP guests they all were!)

  14. I haven't done that. I did give me an idea, Becky.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday xxx

  15. No, I've never written to an author, other than a couple that I know personally. That's neat that they replied back to you.

  16. No I haven't - who did you write? I did write Oprah once - in answer - lol. sandie

  17. Catching up in Becky's world to say...

    a. Thanks for the contests-
    b. I enjoy the 6 Question blog, too.

    and c. I've written a few authors, (and heard back) but what I really like to do is get a pic with Cathy-on-a-Stick. They can't resist that wacky girl. ;-)

  18. i think it's great that you got some response. that says alot about them take care rose

  19. Thanks, everyone for all your wonderful comments! One of these days I'll divulge who I heard from!

  20. I admire your initiative. I've never written to an author, but it's a nice idea - at least to let them know you like their work.

  21. Hey Becky - I have never written an author. But I might now. :)

  22. I wrote to one author and never heard anything which made me chicken to ever do it again!

  23. Thanks again, everyone! I'm really glad I wrote about this because it looks like I've given a few of you the urge to do the same! Let me know if any of you hear back from anyone!!

  24. What a great idea and what a great post, Becky! Just curious -- what does everyone consider famous?

  25. thanks for your comment on my recent post take care rose

  26. Thanks for posting this. I have a couple of authors I've always thought of writing to, but never had the courage -- I figured they were probably tired of hearing from their fans. This inspires me to re-visit that idea.


I'm still getting quite a few spam comments that are Anonymous, so I'm trying "User with Google Accounts." If anyone tries to comment that I know, and it won't let you, send me an email, okay? Thanks so much.