Saturday, June 13, 2015

* HAPPINESS IS........*

The Ronald appreciates the joy I have for the smallest of things. I'm not a woman of "fashion," who must have lots of shoes and purses, or getting my nails "done."

* When I hear a particular song I love................that is happiness.
* When I receive a phone call or letter from a friend or relative.....that is happiness.
* When The Ronald brings me a bouquet of flowers from the grocery store......that is happiness.
* When I get hugs......that is happiness.

Something quite insignificant happened the other day that brought me great joy. I actually had enough money to fill the tank of my PT Cruiser, BEFORE the price went up by 40 cents! I noticed a couple of gas stations with the lower price, and as I drove farther East, I noticed some were 40 cents higher, so I pulled in to the next one with the lower price......and if it had been back in the Good Old Days....I would've said to the attendant, "Fill 'er up with regular!"


  1. You are 100%'s not expensive this's and that's that bring's the little things. Like the bunny in my back yard who just stopped to scratch an itch and made me smile.

  2. Glad you can find happiness daily. Sometimes life is challenging and I think we get "out of the habit". I have been trying lately to get back on the wagon! More rain coming which complicates moods, but am grateful I am not flooded or in drought. Have a good weekend.

  3. What an encouraging post! And I think people with your attitude ARE the happiest.... those who can see and respond with joy and appreciate the smallest of things. Although hugs and flowers from your honey, and beautiful music ... all of these are not small things but the very stuff of life! I wholeheartedly agree!

  4. The little things are HUGE in my world. And I cherish them.
    I am also very glad that the blue bird of happiness roosts with you.

  5. Little things mean the most to me also. And what IS with gas prices!

  6. It's difficult to get down in the dumps when so many little things are working together to continually lift us up. It's a great way to live, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

  7. Yup! It's the little things that bring happiness! "Enjoy the little things in life for someday you will find they are the BIG things!" I'm not sure who said that but they were absolutely right!

  8. I'm thrilled by little things too, like hugs from my grandkids. Glad you're happy!


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