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RAGBRAI is an acronym for:
Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa
It is a non-competitive bicycle ride across Iowa that draws recreational riders from across the United States and overseas.
The 2009 is schedule to start in Council Bluffs and visit the towns of Red Oak, Greenfield, Indianola, Chariton, Ottumwa, Mount Pleasant, and Burlington from July 18 - 25.
**Greenfield, Iowa is home of the Adair County Free Press, owned by the Sidey family since it was founded in 1889 by Edwin J. Sidey. I am honored to write a weekly column for this historic newspaper. **
~~ Note the Greenfield Opera House on the left side of the logo....and the photo I took of the Greenfield Opera House last fall when I was there! It's another historic site. ~~