Thursday, April 19, 2012

* Calls for Submissions/Contests *

On Tuesday while lamenting about not having enough time for everything.....blah, blah, blah, I could've easily typed those few words that were actually about the contests and calls for submissions that I wanted to share. Duh!

So, without further ado ...(ahem...wasting more time)... here are just a few, that may be new to you. There I go, writing bad poetry again. Someone stop me, please!

Terri Weeding’s SUMMERTIME Little Ole Humor Writin’ Contest: No Fee
(I didn't see a Deadline, but did see this: Next Contest Opening Date: June 20, 2012

Women Who Write 2012 International Poetry & Short Prose Contest:
Entry Fee: $12.00 DEADLINE: June 30, 2012

The Dream Quest One Poetry and Writing Contest: Entry Fee $5.00/$10.00
DEADLINE: Postmark by July 31, 2012

Chicken Soup for the Soul: Calls for Submissions, Various Deadlines
Currently there are SIX anthologies that need your stories. A couple of them are recently posted, too. It's always a good idea to check their website often.

These are just a few that I happened upon. I'm only familiar with Chicken Soup, but the other ones do look legit. And don't can't get published or win anything, if you don't at least TRY! Enter. Submit. You never know! Good Luck!

"The role of the writer is not to say what we can all say but what we are unable to say." - Anaïs Nin