Wednesday, April 27, 2011

* Favorite Lines in Books *

After posting the opening sentences of "Gone With a Handsomer Man", I started thinking about some of my favorite lines in various books I've read.

Last September, I wrote about a memoir I'd just finished reading. It was "The Midwife; A Memoir of Birth, Joy & Hard Times", by Jennifer Worth.

I didn't think I'd like it at first. It was about the poorest of the poor, in 1950's England. But the writing was just beautiful. This is one of those rare books I'd actually read a second time. Fortunately, too, Jennifer Worth has written other books in this series, which I'll look for at the of these days!

Here are a couple that really spoke to me:

"Circumstances bring people together and take them apart. One cannot keep up with everyone in a lifetime."

"What a pity! Life is so fleeting, and the past so rich."

What about you? What are some of your favorite lines from books? Are there any in particular that really resonated with you?