Wednesday, December 20, 2017


I wish I could say that since my previous post on December 7th, I've gotten all ready for Christmas....

I was doing really well, too. Not rushing around like a nut, not getting all stressed. I'd started working on my Christmas cards back around Thanksgiving and I knew I'd have them mailed EARLY this year! I still had plenty of time to bake cookies to take to work, and give to friends, and have some for us at home, too.

Then on Sunday, the 11th, I noticed I was getting a sore throat. Uh Oh! That's almost always the beginning of a sinus infection, but at least I get meds and it goes away fairly fast. But NO, not this year! Every day I felt a bit worse...and to shorten this as much as possible...I finally saw my doctor this morning and I have pneumonia!

When I was in my 20's and 30's, I would get either bronchitis or pneumonia almost every single year! But then I hadn't had more than a cold or sinus infection since then...until now. I recognized the symptoms and was 99% sure I had it, but I also did want the doctor to see me and make the correct diagnosis.

So, I got another round of new meds and by this evening was so much better! It's a wonderful feeling to have a bit more energy and actually feel like being part of the family again! Ron has been great, though, taking care of everything.

Now, I just need to rest up and get ALL BETTER, so I can experience a bit of last minute of shopping and baking, etc!

- Until then, I leave you with photos from Christmases past - 

Becky's cookies 2011

Becky's cookies 2011

Becky's cookies 2011

Mmm..Mmm, Can you almost sniff the aroma of fresh baked cookies??
I can't wait to start making them!

found on Pinterest