Friday, February 22, 2013


It's time for another
I Wonder:

created by Rose Petals from Heaven

I wonder why all the other big winter storms have been given names, except for our Midwest storm. Did you see what our storm was called? We were given The Letter Q. Huh? Yes, not even an entire name; just the letter "Q"......Weird!

I took this photo when we were getting huge flakes and they were coming down so fast. It was beautiful, but I obviously don't have the right camera for it! Although "Q" lasted for HOURS, it varied between huge flakes, tiny flakes, sleet, and a little freezing rain.

Poor Vern! Wouldn't you hate to go outside in the cold and snow to use your bathroom facility? This was when it first started.

This is part of our front yard, taken at 4:00 pm today. The sun finally came out for a while, although it's still cold. I just love the long shadows showing on the snow. 

Here's another looking out our front door and up the street. Although the official snowfall for our town is 6", I think we had 4"-5". Because of the sleet and freezing rain, the top really glistens and sparkles, and holds weight for a while before feet crunch & sink in!

I wonder about all the different types of precipitation. It's one of those subjects I can just get lost in, thinking about this majestic world we live in. What about you? Do you ever "I Wonder"?

"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." -- John Ruskin