Sunday, October 28, 2018


Hello Everyone! 

   On September 3rd, I wrote the following: 

I've been very busy with the most unusual tasks....I will share all of them with you soon!

I didn't want to post anything until I was positive things were going to fall into place, which they have. I've been asked to speak about my writing, to a group of people at five different assisted living facilities in the St. Louis area! 

The first one is THIS Thursday, November 1st and I've been very busy getting my notes together, printing hand-outs, preparing gift baskets for door prizes, etc. 

It's been quite a while since I did any speaking, but I'm pretty sure I'll fall right back into being a gabby gal.
😃 (I hope!)

Kind of a long story as to how this came about, and I'll share more of that after my first "gig"! 

Wish me luck!

Just a small portion of the notes I jotted down
 before and during my memoir. 

I have a lot more...envelopes full of them!

Definitely helpful for the sequel, which I'm 
diligently, really working on, writing.

The following quote is SO ME!! 

"This morning I took out a comma and this afternoon I put it back again." -- Oscar Wilde