(photo courtesy ehow.com)
My mind works in mysterious ways. For the past couple of months, I've thought about how great it would be to make my own custom DVD of just certain scenes from my favorite movies. There would be a great variety, too.....comedies, dramas, musicals, love stories.
Two scenes come immediately to my mind:
1) The movie: The Odd Couple (1968).
The scene: Felix (Jack Lemmon) & Oscar (Walter Matthau) sitting in the restaurant. Felix's ears keep plugging up because of his sinuses, so he starts making outrageous, honking noises. I laugh myself silly every time I see it. As hilarious as Jack Lemmon is, the droll look on Walter Matthau's face also gets me. As he looks around the restaurant and makes eye contact with customers, his embarrassent is priceless!
2) The movie: The Sound of Music (1965)
The scene: When Maria (Julie Andrews) walks down the long aisle in church, wearing her beautiful wedding gown, with the long train, trailing behind her. The music playing is "How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?" Don't ask me why....It just used to make me cry every single time!
Okay, you get the picture! (Ha! Get it??...the picture?)
What would be some of the movie scenes you'd like to have on your DVD?
"Stupid is as stupid does." -- Forrest Gump