Thursday, March 20, 2014

* I GOT NOTHIN'.....Again! *

I've been racking my brain since Sunday, trying to think of something to write about for a new blog post. My poor brain is tired, wired, and uninspired.

So, I made the decision to post something for the third time! It got lots of laughs and comments the first two times, so let's see how this one does.....


While driving to the grocery store this afternoon, with my list of fruits and veggies to buy, the following words popped into my head. I've mentioned before that I am not a poet, and don't y'all know it, as you can see below: 

(Hint: Sing out loud or in your head to the tune of ♫♪ Back in the Saddle Again. ♫♪)

I'm back into salads again.
Burgers & fries won't make me thin.
I saw some gorgeous clothes at 
the mall last week.
I must fight this war on fat and win.

(courtesy google)
I'm back into salads again.
Lettuce & broccoli are my friends
Also low cal dressing will help
Try to get rid of my chin(s)
I'm back into salads again.

(Forgive me Gene Autry!)

"The two biggest sellers in bookstores are the cookbooks and the diet books. The cookbooks tell you how to prepare the food and the diet books tell you how not to eat any of it." -- Andy Rooney