Have I mentioned that I'm just in the beginning stage of writing a sequel to my memoir? I have so many stories yet to tell and it just wouldn't work to include them all in one book.
image from Google
I fiddled around with a couple of possible titles for it, and then it occurred to me too, that if readers like the first book enough, and the second book, maybe I could write a third, and thus have a series. But, my focus right now, of course, is publishing From Pigtails to Chin Hairs: A Memoir & More.
Here's the titles I came up with today for possible sequel(s).
From High Heels to Old Lady Shoes: A Memoir & More.
From Spiked Heels to Sensible Shoes: A Memoir & More.
From Skate Keys to Car Keys: A Memoir & More.
I'd love to know your thoughts and ideas on any of this. Please leave a comment!
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"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence." -- Helen Keller