Are you familiar with It's full of writing news, helpful hints, contests, etc. I just read a very interesting and helpful article about listening to different types of music while writing. It's called Music to Write By, by Indra Sena. The topics covered are below, but click on the link to read the entire article.
I found the first suggestion the most intriguing.....find a "starting song" and stick with it! Kind of like Pavlov's'll train yourself to begin writing when you hear that song! I haven't had time to choose "my" song yet....I have a feeling it'll take me awhile to decide which one to select!
1. Anchor Yourself to a Starting Song
2. Play Songs That Reflect the Period You Are Writing About
3. Play Music That Puts You In The Mood
4. Use Music That Increases Brain Functioning
5. If You Prefer Silence While Writing
~ Indra Sena is a writer living in the Catskill Mountains. After 22 years as a consultant, she left the business world a year ago to write fulltime. She is currently completing her first book, a memoir about her life as a young teenager living on her own. You can contact her at ~
I e-mailed Indra & asked her permission to post some of her article. She replied and said she'd be honored!
I hope everyone enjoys learning about writing with (or without) music. Please leave me comments, and feel free to e-mail Indra, too.