Sunday, May 8, 2011

* Happy Mother's Day *

This is a Rerun from last year's Mother's Day post. I decided to share it again today.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Although some of our own mothers are deceased, they are still a part of us, aren't they?

This is one of my favorite pictures. It's my mom, my dad, brother Mike and me. It was taken around 1957-1958 in Fort Morgan, Colorado. We were on one of our summer vacation trips visiting relatives. My two much-older sisters were both in college at that time, so they didn't come along with us.

My mother and I are wearing the ever-so-popular "Mother/Daughter Dresses" which were very "in" at that time. My mother sewed them herself and I thought they were quite special.

We look like the All American Happy Family, don't we? It's hard to believe that just about five years later, my parents divorced. Dad pretty much abandoned us. Mom did the best she could, being thrown into an entirely different life than she wanted, or ever envisioned. Holidays were dismal, though, and life in general was gloomy.

There's much more to the story, and some of it will be included in my book.

(Mother's name was Ruby. Below is one of her much spouted quotes, which I despised and swore I would never say to MY kids! The meaning of it was: You have to suffer in life and the only time you get what you really want is when you get to Heaven! I don't think I have to tell you that I didn't buy that one bit. I believe life is about happiness and joy and love and laughter....and going out there and finding your bliss!!

"You don't always get everything you want in this life." -- Rubyism

* And The Winner Is......*

So, did you jump out of bed this lovely Sunday, Mother's Day....because you couldn't wait to see who won my book give-away?? Well, wait no longer.....but first.....I truly wish I had books to give away to every single participant.....but alas, I do not.

Okay....the winner of Gone With a Handsomer Man is.......Joyce Lansky!!

Congratulations, Joyce!!! Please send your mailing address to me:

I'll be back later today with other postings, but wanted to announce the winner now.

Thanks again to everyone who entered!! And Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

♫♪ "Oh what a beautiful morning.....Oh what a beautiful day..." ♫♪ -- lyric by Oscar Hammerstein II