Hi Patricia! Tell us a little bit about how you got started writing:
The first thing I recall writing is a short story when I was in the 6th grade. I remember the title was “Priscilla’s Christmas.” I have no memory of what happened to poor Priscilla on Christmas but I do remember getting a lot of praise from my teacher. That is when my love affair with writing started and it is still going on today. I figure even if the day comes that I can no longer physically write, there still be a story dancing in my head.
What are you writing now and why?
I decided to do something different this year. In 2011, I joined an Indy email list. At the time, there were about 300 Indy authors on the list. Now there are over 700 members. Many of them were hybrids, writers who write for traditional publishers and self-publish, such as Bob Mayer and Brenda Novak. All the members were eager to talk about this big change in publishing and about the business side of this new venture. I learned so much from them.
Also, around the New Year, Ben Wallace started following me on Twitter. Ben is an Indy author who writes comedy. So, I read some of his short stories. I do admit, once again, to ignorance. I didn’t know writers were publishing short stories on Amazon. Duh! I’m not going into massive detail here, but reading Ben’s stories helped me make a decision that I had been considering. I decided I would revise one of my favorite short stories, “The Yard Sale,” and put it up on Amazon. This was my way of getting my feet wet. I was terrified of trying a book but I knew I could handle a short story.
Ben put in touch with his wife, Patty, who is a cover designer. What can I say? The rest is history. I put “The Yard Sale” up on Amazon the 3rd weekend in April and overnight it made the Amazon Top 100 Best Seller list in Comedy and Short Stories.
I hope to have my second story, “Laid to Rest,” published in June. Writing has never been more fun!
What advice would you give writers today?
It is a great time to be a writer. You have more options than ever. Explore. Rule nothing out. Rejectionis a moot point. Don’t be afraid to write from the heart. Submit to a publisher if you want. Or do it yourself. Oh, one word of advice, if you are signing a contract, pay close attention to your e-royalties on net third party sales. Because with each passing day, that is where the money is.
Are you a plotter or pantser?
I’m a little of both. I have to have a general idea and outline. Then, when I write, that outline will change. But I like to have a direction when I start to write.
In closing, list your five favs:
Fruit: Pineapple
Season: Autumn
2012 Summer movie: The Dark Knight Rises
Best new TV series: Hell on Wheels
And where can readers find you online?
My webpage: www.patriciaannpreston.com
Twitter at https://twitter.com/#!/pat_preston
Facebook page at http://on.fb.me/ugF43b
Check out “The Yard Sale” at http://amzn.to/Jmog8Z
It’s a humorous 8500 word short story for 99 cents!
Thanks, Patricia! It's fun being part of your blog tour and the best of luck with all your writing!
* NOTE: I'm still on my Blog Break and my writing is going well. This interview was scheduled for an automatic post. Thanks to everyone who stops by to read and comment!
* Welcome to my two newest followers, Super Earthling and CF Legette
I hope you'll stop by often and always enjoy what you read and see! Thank you! *
* Welcome to my two newest followers, Super Earthling and CF Legette
I hope you'll stop by often and always enjoy what you read and see! Thank you! *