Monday, October 22, 2012

In the Zone

Good Monday Morning! I've been in my writer's zone for quite a few days now. That's why no recent posts.  

This morning, though, I'm meeting with my friend, Tara (above) to go over a speaking engagement for a writer's workshop she is in charge of. Tara and I met in April 2009 at a Habitat for Humanity event, and later I wrote  her story about losing everything in Hurricane Katrina. It was published in an anthology "Thin Threads; More Real Stories of Life Changing Moments" in 2010. (I'm also including it in my memoir.)

Until I'm back.... 

Enjoy your week! 

Take time for yourself. 

Delight in the beauty around you.

And Laugh....often!

"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons." -- Ruth Ann Schabacker