Friday, November 18, 2016


In my new approach to declutter my life, both in actual "clutter-around-the-house," and in the ideas and issues I tend to become fixated know, those things I attempt to accomplish and either I just don't have the time, or I just don't have the desire and passion that's required. Well... 

I've discovered that I do indeed have the time for many things. The problem is I obviously don't really have the desire. Hey, I think I'm on to something here!

So, one of the things I'm going to change is to remove all the blogs on my two blog roll lists...The one on the left side for Writers' Blogs, and the one on the right side for all my other Favorites.

Why? Because when I scroll down and see all the interesting blog posts I want to read, and comment on, the stress level begins to rise. And that is not a good thing for someone trying to declutter their brain! I'm not abandoning you, really. I will stay in touch, I promise.

As I've mentioned before, I'd like to delete my Facebook account, due to the huge amounts of hateful political posts and comments spewing back and forth. But it's a great way to keep in touch with my out-of-town family and friends. So, I've just been limiting my time there, and I refuse to get caught up in all the ridiculous nonsense.

I recently deleted my Twitter account, but I never used it much anyway, so that wasn't a difficult decision.

I just need to stay off my computer as much as possible, unless I'm paying bills or writing emails!

All of this may seem selfish on my part, and maybe it is, but I have to start taking care of me, which is what I thought I'd been doing all along. And...I'm not even sure what I want to do with the rest of my life!

"Life is uncharted territory. It reveals its story one moment at a time." - Leo Buscaglia