Thursday, February 10, 2011

* Uptight, Twitchy & Disturbed *

First of all I'd like to thank my three newest followers: Aine Tierney, Marissar and Jan! Thank you so much. I hope you'll continue to stop by from time to time and enjoy what you see.

As I wrote in the previous post, my life has been crazy busy, and I was feeling a bit....agitated. I laughed at some of the synonyms Mircosoft Word 2010 offered for agitated: Uptight, twitchy and disturbed were my favorites! Just reading the word disturbed made my mind break into song... Gee, Officer Krupke from "West Side Story". See how I am?? My brain jumps from one subject to the next. I'm typing about life being crazy busy, and I start singing in my head!

The Wise, Witty & Wonderful Mr. Robert Brault left a comment on that previous post of mine: "Becky, You describe a thoroughly involved life that many would kill for. Enjoy it to the hilt. You can do as many do -- catch a few winks while driving." Well, then I'm sure I'm living an almost perfect life and I'm following my bliss. Thank you, Robert, for pointing that out to me.

One more thing. Yesterday morning, since I was already in the Land of Uptight, Twitchy & Disturbed, and I was talking to The Ronald while putting on my socks, I wasn't quite paying attention to what I was doing:

Oooh, my feet are so embarrassed!

"Before I speak, I have something important to say." -- Groucho Marx