Tuesday, May 1, 2012

* More Calls for Submissions - Writing and Photography

No time yet for posting info and photos about my visit with my cousin, but I came across a couple of Calls for Submissions I wanted to share. First: Chicken Soup for the Soul has just added two books that need your stories!

For Parents of Children with Autism or Asperger's
If you are the parent of a child with autism or Asperger's, we invite you to share your story about raising your child - the ups and downs, the effect on your family, your child's special attributes and talents, and the lighter moments too. You may use a "pen name" on your story. These stories will provide advice, comfort and insight to other parents in the same situation. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is September 30, 2012.

Great Advice for Making Changes in Your Life
Have you ever read a Chicken Soup for the Soul story that had a wonderful nugget of advice in it that made a difference in your life? We are looking for stories that contain great pieces of advice, whether they are little things that improve our everyday lives, or major epiphanies that can change a life completely. Topics we will cover include advice related to work and personal relationships, marriage, parenting, health and fitness, finances, constructive criticism, taking chances, and following your passion. The deadline date for story and poem submissions is August 31, 2012.

Right now there are currently SIX books accepting submissions, FOUR more besides these two.

** NOTE: the following is taken directly from the Chicken Soup for the Soul website:

If the story or poem you wrote is published by us, you will be paid $200 upon publication of the book plus you will receive ten free copies of the book your story or poem appears in.


Open to Interpretation: Deadline TODAY, May 1st! Accepting poetry and prose pertaining to selected photos, with a theme of Intimate Landscape. Check it out! Very cool!

Also at Open to Interpretation: Deadline June 26th. Accepting photographs for a theme of Fading Light.

** NOTE: the following is taken directly from the Open to Interpretation website:

Publication and Awards

$1000 Cover Award
$300 Judge's Choice Award Photography
$300 Judge's Choice Award Writing or Poetry

Being selected to be part of this publication puts you in great company with other photographers, writers, and poets. This publication is dedicated to providing a place for artists to gain recognition and exposure for their work. All participants chosen, if so desired, will have their name, web page and/or mailing address indexed in the book so as they can be contacted directly regarding their work.

Check out the websites, put your thinking cap on, position yourself in your chair, your fingers on the keyboard.....and write!! Or take photos, as the guidelines state. Best of luck to everyone!

"I really believe there are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them." -- Diane Arbus