Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Today was the day I spoke to 6 different English Literature classes at Duchesne High School in St. Charles, Mo. I was asked to speak about "going for your dream", which I had perfect material for....both with my "late start" in writing, and my son Mark's desire to go to Wash U in St. Louis.

I really enjoyed talking to the kids and I don't think I bored any of them too terribly!
After I was finished talking, a few kids had questions, which also showed they were at least paying attention!

At the end, too, I handed out 2 papers to each student. One consisted of various writer websites, such as and . I also included websites and information about Saturday Writers and SLWG.

I told the kids to be sure and check out my blog, and to e-mail me when they get something published.

I'll be going back another day before the school year is over to speak to a different group of English students. One of the genres they are learning is writing for newspapers, so that will be lots of fun!

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