Sunday, April 19, 2009


I've been kind of down in the dumps the past couple of days, and that is SO unlike me! I e-mailed my fabulous friend, Tammy, and told her we need to start making up silly names for ourselves again, like we used to do. She and I can come up with some really comical ones, but some of our favorites are actual names we've seen in newspapers, etc.

Here's one I thought up just moments ago: Snigglefarts Bustapants

Thanks Tammy, also, for suggesting I write about my "issues". Duh! Why didn't I think of that? But I won't be posting them here for all to see....I guess you'll have to wait for my book to come out .... :-)

Just having supportive friends can help women get through anything!


  1. aha! Old computer challenged chickie here has been hitting the wrong button. I guess Ive been hitting 'comments' which is on your personal site. Silly me.

  2. Glad you got it figured out!!

  3. Hi Becky,
    I recently blogged about being down in the dumps too and having trouble writing through it because our beloved boxer died. It's on WOW's site if you want to see what I said. (April 17) I think writing about your own issues is hard! So, I hope it works for you.

  4. Thanks, Margo. I really appreciate your words...hhmmm, imagine that... a writer providing comfort to my mind and heart! :-)


I'm still getting quite a few spam comments that are Anonymous, so I'm trying "User with Google Accounts." If anyone tries to comment that I know, and it won't let you, send me an email, okay? Thanks so much.