Thursday, January 21, 2010

** National Hugging Day **

How many of you knew that today was National Hugging Day? I sure didn't! In fact, I would venture to say that a lot of people didn't. I only found out when I sat down for a few minutes to have a bite of lunch and watch some of the noon news on TV. Besides talking about it, the anchor also showed a few videos of a guy walking up to complete strangers on a city sidewalk and trying to persuade them to give and receive a hug. It was very interesting to watch. You can imagine, you might feel a little weird if a stranger wanted to hug you, too. I also felt sorry for the guy when people shook their heads "no" and walked away. Very cool psychology experiment!

Some people just don't show any physical emotions, even with their own family members, which I can't fathom because everyone in my family is "a hugger". I love to give and receive my family and friends...and even people I may have just met. That's just me....So look out, next time you see me, I'll probably want to hug you! (And hey, don't forget to give yourself some "inner" hugs! Love yourself!)

(photo courtesy of

"Sometimes it's better to put love into hugs than to put it into words" -- Author Unknown


  1. I did hear about that. And it's definitely true that there are huggers and non-huggers. The non-huggers stiffen up and have such a look of discomfort on their faces when someone hugs them!

  2. Hi Pat! You are correct, ma'am!! I feel sorry for the non-huggers. I always wonder if they come from a family where people also don't say, "I love you"...very often or at all. I can't even imagine that!

  3. Happy National Hugging Day to you! :) Love this bear hug pic.


  4. Thanks, Margo! I love that picture, too! Aren't animals just wonderful??

  5. What a great holiday! At least my kids aren't too grown up yet - they still let me hug them sometimes.

  6. Hey Janel...Good to hear your kids still let you hug them! Mine are grown up and STILL give and get hugs!! It's wonderful!!

  7. Well, I missed it, but I guess any day is good for hugging. I'm a hugger too. Seems like a good reason to set aside a day to me. Hope you have a good weekend, Becky!

  8. Thanks, Daisy! You have a great weekend, too....And HUGS to all of you!!!


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