Friday, April 23, 2010

** If It's Friday, I Know Where I Am **

I was up rather late again last night, hand writing all the necessary info on the certificates I've been working on for a couple of days. I'm so very happy to announce that I am now on the downhill slope and will have everything completed early today. Knowing that it's for 3rd & 4th Graders who entered a writing contest, made it much more fun than say, for... something adults participated in! And it was a great assignment to help improve my penmanship! Boy, there's a word you don't hear anymore. I proved to myself that I can still write, without it looking like a doctor's prescription for meds.

Okay. Much to do today, so this will be short and sweet! Ah yes....just like me!

"For many children, joy comes as the result of mining something unique and wondrous about themselves from some inner shaft." -- Thomas J. Cottle 


  1. You are a good woman, Becky. I'm sure those young writers will be thrilled when they receive their certificates.

  2. Awwww, thanks Donna! I think I'm speechless...!

  3. Hi Becky...I hope every single second of the time you spent making out those certificates comes back to you in good karma. Have a fabulous Friday! Sincerely, Susan

  4. I'm sure the kids will appreciate being recognized with a handwritten certificate. Little things mean a lot to the little writers. :)

  5. Thank you, Susan! That's very sweet of you! And I love the word "Karma". I like to use it, and hopefully, it works!

  6. Thanks, Janel! I hope they will like them, too!

  7. Having little ones at home, I know how much something like this will mean to them...Think of all those beaming faces, sharing their certificates eagerly when they rush in the door, home from school.
    Worth a bit of writer's cramp for sure!


  8. Oh, yes Julia! I totally agree! I surely remember those days of my own childhood, my sons', and now seeing my grandkids being proud of their accomplishments, as well. I know it definitely is worth it. That's why I only "complain" in a joking way!

  9. Great job, Becky! Hopefully I'll see you tomorrow!


  10. Thanks, Pat! "Hopefully" you'll see me? Are you under the weather? I hope not!

  11. Just think: many of those little certificates get saved for YEARS!!! I keep little plastic treasure chests for my kids, and every certificate they've ever received is in them! God bless all of the people who've slaved away to make my kids feel important and appreciated!

  12. Thanks, Tammy! I'm one of those moms, too, that has saved tons of things from Mark's growing up years. I bought a notebook from Current when he was in kindergarten, just for school memories and report cards, etc. I think at the time I thought it was kind of expensive, but wow! was so worth it! Everything, all in one booklet. Yay for us moms! :)

  13. That's so sweet, great idea to handwrite their certificates.
    I bet they will get hanged on the wall (of course I mean the certificates, not the children :P)

  14. Hi Estrella! How wonderful to have someone new stop by and leave a comment! I also looked at your blog. It looks awesome, and when I can give it the time it/you! deserve, I'll go back and read more. How did you come across my blog? I'm always fascinated at how I stumble across blogs, and others find mine! Thanks again and please come back again!

  15. Stumbled upon your blog from Janel's blog :) and I really like your posts, and will definitely stop by from now on :)


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