Friday, June 4, 2010

** Time To Be Realistic **

Time is flying by......and I'm having a heck of a time holding on! Thus, the title of this post. I've decided to be realistic in terms of my book deadline. It was a self-imposed one, anyway, and I was kind of worried from the beginning that I wouldn't pay much attention to it! I hoped, though, by posting the Countdown Gadget on my blog, it would motivate me and scare away the old Writer's Sabotage. Hmmm...that didn't seem to work.

So, I have removed that bad old clock that ticked away and made me nervous and stressed, therefore causing more writer's block and angst!

My decision was based on the fact that I want my book to be FABULOUS, rather than mediocre!  Duh!

Ahhhhh....Freedom! I felt better the moment the clock was gone.

This also gives me permission to blog more, enter more contests, send more submissions, keep in better touch with my friends......and basically keep my sanity.

I have a feeling I'll get a lot accomplished this all the areas of my home and life that need to be worked on!

“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!”-- Amanda Bradley


  1. love this saying. have a good weekend rose

  2. Sometimes those self-imposed deadlines can help. Other times they drive you batty. I say don't worry about the deadlines and make that book fabulous!

  3. I vote for fabulous too! Plans are made to be changed, and it's good to be flexible. You'll get there and have a wonderful book to show for it too! Have a great weekend, Becky!

  4. Sanity is a good thing to preserve:) I'm with you. You'll find the right balance:)

  5. Oh,glad to see you back, Becky!

  6. Hi Rose!
    Thank you! And thanks for being patient the little while I was "away"!

  7. Hi Janel! Thanks! You are so right. In this particular case, the deadline was a BAD deadline! :)
    And yes, I hope to make my book fabulous!!

  8. Hi Daisy! Thank you, too, m'dear!
    Fabulous it shall be!! And yes, I think I'll have a great weekend! :)

  9. Hi Karen! Thanks! Yep, gotta keep that old sanity going strong!! :D

  10. Thanks, Bookie/Claudia!! I'm glad to be back, too, and I say that with the most sincerity!

  11. Well Becky I agree, sometimes you have to have self-imposed deadlines and other times it will drive you crazy. I think if it was driving you crazy and you feel better now - you made the right decision! Good luck.


  12. I don't think I'd like looking at the ticking clock/timebomb when I was trying to be creative.

    Now go write the best darned book that you can!

  13. Whatever it takes! I'm all for simplifying!!!

  14. Beautiful quote. I'm glad you have time to exhale now!

  15. Glad you traded the clock in for your sanity. So many of our stressful deadlines are self-imposed, aren't they?


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