Monday, June 10, 2013

What Are You Reading?

Ever since I began writing (about 12 years ago) my "reading for enjoyment" time has really dropped. One reason, obviously, is because I spend so much time writing, thinking about writing, editing, and scouring through books about writing.

I'm happy to say I borrowed a book from my local library last week that I am gobbling up! It's Rita Moreno, A Memoir. It's a fascinating story and I can't wait to get back to it! 

I learned about it when I watched Tavis Smiley's PBS TV show , the day he interviewed Ms. Moreno. He is such a wonderful host and asks excellent questions, and I'm sorry I only recently discovered him. You can see the 2-part interview and/or read the transcript here.

What about you? What are you reading? 

“Reading is the sole means by which we slip, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul.” — Joyce Carol Oates


  1. I'm hooked on audiobooks. Lately, I've been listening to the Harry Hole (pronounced Hula) detective series by Jo Nesbo.

    It's dark, and twisted - and in the two books I've listened to, I had no idea who the bad guy was before I got to the end.

    1. I tried listening to an audio book ONCE. I didn't care for it, but I'm not sure why. It was a book I'd read before and LOVED....Glad you're enjoying the "Who Done It" books!

  2. Reading is one of my obsessions. I read a lot. From a variety of genres. I almost always have at least two books on the go at once. Usually one is fiction and the other not. The second is often a memoir/biography/autobiography/diary - because I am nosey. At the moment I am reading a Stella Gibbons I had never come across before 'The Matchmaker' and 'The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh' by Linda Colley. Also some Rupert Bear annuals.

    1. I can only read more than one book at a time if they're different genres, too. Otherwise, I'd get the story lines all mixed up!!

  3. I am reading Mother of Pearl, a great book with a 1950s southern voice.

    1. Oooh, sounds like one I'd really enjoy! I'll have to check it out.

  4. Tee-hee! As you know, I'm asking the same question on my blog. Great minds think alike, you know. : )

    I just downloaded Me Before You, one of Anne Lamott's recommendations. Haven't started it yet but I'm hopeful it will be good. I love memoirs and I love Rita Moreno, so I'll put this one on my list.

    Critter Alley

    1. Yes, Pat...that was so weird! You even had the exact same blog post title!! LOL
      I love Anne Lamott, so if she recommended a book, I'd probably like it, too!

  5. I am reading Amy Sue Nathan's "The Glass Wives." I'm really excited about some of my summer reading "on deck" choices that include Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Tyler, and a book about "American Bloomsbury," featuring Alcott, Thoreau, and Hawthorne.

    1. Hi Karen! Wow, all of those sound really good!

  6. I just read a friend's memoir (she blogged her book!)about growing up with undiagnosed autism (you can read about it at MY blog! ;-)

    And, let's see...I read several books at a time, so... I'm reading THE BOY WHO DARED (based on the true story of a German boy imprisoned and later executed) and GIFTS FROM THE SEA by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (I've read it before but it's such a lovely book to read again and again) and an Erma Bombeck book I picked up at the thrift store (I read that while I'm eating lunch--I hope I don't choke while laughing!).

    1. Love that Erma!! I'll have to check out Gifts from the Sea. I can't pass up a recommendation about a book that's "lovely!"
      The other one sounds too sad.... :(

  7. I really love a good memoir, I'm going to look for this one.

    1. Hi Karen! I'm really enjoying it, so if you read it, I hope you'll like it, too! I'll have to give my complete thoughts on it after I'm finished!

  8. Me? I'm currently reading a non-fiction book on physics, a romance written by a fellow blogger, and an Evanovich book. Plus the latest issue of "Writers' Digest." And a bazillion other books are screaming for their turn. (sigh) So many books, so little time.

    1. Ah yes...So Many Books, So Little Time! :)

  9. As you know, Audie Murphy is the star of the month on my blog, so my reading has been all about him lately. Currently, I am re-reading his war memoir, To Hell and Back, and although I just finished a biography about him, I have another one ordered and due to be shipped this week. I am in love with this man and am on a quest to do my part to bring him the honor, respect, and remembrance he so richly deserves.

  10. I'm trying to learn all I can about growing and using medicinal herbs. So I'm currently reading Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health, Herb Gardening for Washington and Oregon, and The Romantic Herb Garden. When I get interested in something, I read tons of books about it! Its kind an obsessive thing...

    1. Hey, that's great! I wouldn't call it obsessive at all. You're just on a quest to learn all you can!

  11. I've been in such a reading rut lately! I need an over-the-top page-turner to recapture my love of the pastime. When I'm into it, though, I love memoirs. Did you ever read Candice Bergen's KNOCK WOOD? Hmm... maybe I'll just reread that.

    1. Hi Katie! I've been in a reading rut, off and on, for way too long. This memoir finally captured my attention! I've began reading SOME memoirs that I just don't like...therefore I don't waste time on it! I've never read Knock Wood, but I love Candice, so I'd most likely love it!

  12. I'm reading a book that's a bit of a departure for me right now. It's 11/22/63 by Stephen King, a recommendation from my son.

    So far, I'm liking it!


  13. By the way, I enjoyed "Me Before You," the book mentioned above.


  14. I love reading too much and try to incorporate it always. To me, it's part of my writing education. I always try to have one book for pleasure going, at least a couple going for self or spiritual development and a craft book. My pleasure book is "The Descendants" right now-- it's OK, not thrilled with it.

  15. Hi Becky! I recently finished Duma Key by Stephen King, the newest Jane Kirkpatrick book about Dorthea Dix and last night I resumed reading Memoirs of a Geisha.

    I always end up on the couch with a book on my lap at the end of the day. I can't not read!

    Hope that all is going well, and that you have a wonderful weekend. I'm going to try and post some this weekend. I am way behind.

    Kathy M.


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