Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Every year on this day, April 1st, I remember a few, extremely momentous phone calls I made on that day in 1987.

Twenty seven (27) years ago today, I called long distance family & friends and said, "This is not an April Fool's Joke. I AM PREGNANT!"

Where has the time gone? I miss that baby, that little boy, that young man.....but I'm also so proud of the man he is today!

Below is from the chapter in my memoir, "The Joyous Journey":

"On March 30, 1987 the doctor uttered in his charming British accent those now infamous words, “My dear, you’re pregnant!” What??? How can this be?? How did this happen?? All those ridiculous, rhetorical questions kept repeating themselves in my head."

The same chapter was published in Chicken Soup for the New Mom's Soul, in 2007. My first major publication!

"I didn't know how babies were made until I was pregnant with my fourth child." -- Loretta Lynn


  1. That baby, that little boy, that young man are still with you today. In disguise perhaps but I am sure that you still see all of them in the man that is your son - and I love your pride in him.

    1. Oh, thank you! What a beautiful comment. It almost brought tears to my eyes. So lovely. Thank you!

  2. How special April Fool's Day is for you...and your son! Does he appreciate his special day?

    1. Hi Bookie, yes it IS a special day! And he does know about it. I remind him every year! LOL

  3. How wonderful! Yes, nothing funny about April Fool's that year! How happy this makes me feel!

    1. Hi Jeanie! Thank you! I'm touched that this made you feel happy! It seems to have struck a chord with the three of you who have commented so far!

  4. A real milestone! And the date is an easy one to remember. :)

  5. Having read - and loved! - your memoirs, I remember this wonderful surprise! 27 years? (Egad!) Like that country song which totally besotted me, "Don't Blink!".

    Hope you, Vern (oh, and of course, Ron!) are enjoying a great week!

  6. What a wonderful memory! My best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel is like that with Groundhog Day, except that it's her son's birthday. Mabel always loved Groundhog Day, and told her relatives the week before, "My baby will be born on Groundhog Day," even though that was not his due date. Mabel was right.

  7. Great to remember. Makes your April Fool Day extra special we say. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  8. What wonderful memories to have on a day when most other folk are just playing the fool.

  9. Great stuff! And I love Loretta Lynn!

  10. It's so much fun to sort through memories from years ago. Hope your son had a wonderful birthday!

    Critter Alley

  11. My first baby was a bit of a surprise, as was my fourth!


  12. Aww that's so sweet. I love those long ago baby memories. My first was born in April - he'll be 25 this coming Saturday! I can't believe how quickly the time goes.


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