Friday, August 14, 2020


While trying to decide what to write about in my "new" blog posts, and not being able to come up with much of anything, I had the most scathingly brilliant idea (Yes, Cathy C Hall! )

I'm going to re-post some from the past, at least for now or until I feel as if I can write something decent again. When I look back and read some posts from my early blogging years, 2009-2013, I feel as if I'm reading someone else's writing. I truly mean it! I think to myself, Wow, that is some beautiful writing, and then I remember that I'm the one who wrote it! 

Oh, and you know what else was wonderful to read? All the comments, and some from people who aren't blogging anymore, which made me sad. Their blog either is totally gone, or they haven't posted in years. It makes me want to go back through emails and see if I have one for many of them, and see if we can catch up with each other that way. 

And, maybe I'll have contests again where I give away a book, or bookmark, or fancy pens, etc.

Thanks to all who stop by to make sure I'm still alive and bouncing off the walls! 😄


And I'll end with a couple of favorites from Maxine:

"Ever feel like you've had too much coffee? Me neither." 

"Fashion magazines are society's way of saying 'If you don't feel inadequate already, read one of these!'


  1. Despite having to give up coffee over a decade ago, Maxine is one of my heroes.
    She is (as usual) spot on in her assessment of those magazines.
    It is lovely to see you back here.

    1. Hi Sue! I love Maxine,too! Thank you and it's lovely to see you back here, too!

  2. I have always loved your writings! I look forward to you resurrecting old posts. I am one of those who used to blog but no longer does...though I AM thinking about starting up again.

    Patti Gardner

    1. Patti! How wonderful to see you here! I hope you do blog again sometime. I've been saying I'm going to start again, for a LONG time, but I'm really going to do it now! Just post REPEATS! LOL

  3. Hi Becky, I gave up blogging a few months ago. One reason is because blogger has changed and I haven't been keeping up with the changes. I have trouble finding my blogs. Just this morning I was trying to view my blog "Shadows of My Mind" and couldn't get in it to view it. I have no idea what blogger is doing. They think they are making things better, but I say Phooey! it hasn't made things easier for me. So I just quit blogging. "That's my story and I'm sticking to it."

    1. Hi Gigi Ann! I understand completely! As you know, Facebook is also doing "new" and "better" stuff to their pages, too. I definitely say "Phooey" to them!! LOL

  4. Becky, Becky, so good to see you! I've missed you! I've not been blogging due to illness and now started up again. Hope you are well and happy! Take care!
    Hugs and blessings,

    1. Nancy, how fun to see YOU, too! And how sweet to say you've missed me. I've missed you, too! I'm sorry you've been ill, but glad you're blogging again. I'm still trying to blog on a somewhat regular basis....trying!


I'm still getting quite a few spam comments that are Anonymous, so I'm trying "User with Google Accounts." If anyone tries to comment that I know, and it won't let you, send me an email, okay? Thanks so much.