Monday, August 15, 2011


Just another reminder from yesterday's post: I'm taking a break from blogging, so I can concentrate on what I really need to do, and what I really want to do: Write!

"Writing is my time machine, takes me to the precise time and place I belong." ~Jeb Dickerson


  1. Thanks for letting us know Becky. I hope you get lots of serious writing done whist you're on your Blog-cation!! I know what you mean though. Blogging does take up a lot of time, and you must concentrate on your 'real' writing my friend. Abientot!

  2. Have a wonderful blog-a-vacation, Becky. I know you'll churn out those words. Blessings and (((hugs))) Jo

  3. Good for you. I need to do the same thing. Love the blogging...hate the time taken away from writing. :)

  4. Hi Becky. Or should I say "Bye Becky?" Ohhhh. How long will you be gone? Take care, write lots, and know you will be missed! Susan

  5. Love that quote!

    Given your staying off-blog to write, feel like giving 10K day a try tomorrow (with me)? :-)

  6. Wait a minute. Yesterday you tell me you're not blogging for awhile...and this morning you blog to remind me that you're not blogging for a while. are not getting the whole vacation thing. Tee-hee.

  7. Yay!
    Butt in chair, fingers on keys,
    A deep breath of air, a long sip of tea.
    Write on!

  8. Bles you Becky. Glad you liked my post. While i didn't get much writing done. I did enjoy my break and got some reading and creative thinking begun for writing. Hope all works well for you too :O)

  9. Enjoy your blogging break, Becky. I hope it is both productive and relaxing. I'll look forward to hearing about it when you return!

  10. Good for you. Enjoy your bog-a-vacation and I hope you get lots accomplished on your book writing.

  11. You might be on a blog-cation but you were a winner at my blog!

  12. Hope you're getting lots of writing done, Becky, and having a wonderful blog-cation! :)


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