Sunday, October 25, 2009

** Ponderings On A Sunday Morning **

I woke up around 5:00 am today and knew immediately I was wide awake and wouldn't be going back to least anytime soon. This happens fairly often and since I'm a morning person anyway, I've gotten quite a few things accomplished already. One problem may be that I'll be ready for lunch at 9:00 am, dinner around 2:00 pm and then a good nap! (Naps are pretty much a requirement in my life. Fortunately, my husband understands my need for rest, so there wasn't any need to add that to our marriage vows.)

I bought fresh apples yesterday and hope to get an apple pie made today. Yum........I think it'll be baked, and cooling on a wire rack, way before football begins at noon on TV.

This past week was quite eventful, and all in good ways. In chronological order:
My son, Mark, and his girl friend came over for dinner.
Finding out about a publication in 2010.
Mark's birthday.
Calling "T" & "K" about the upcoming publication.
Working on various projects and completing some.
Meeting some parents of Mark's college friends & going out for an evening of food and fun.

Time to end my ponderings for now. I need to get out my apple peeler/corer/slicer thingy and get going on making that pie......mmm...can't you just smell the aroma??


  1. Yum. Send a virtual slice to me, please!

  2. Thanks! And guess what? I actually did bake that apple pie and it was cooling on the kitchen island before 11:00 am! I haven't had any of it yet, though. I'm holding off as long as I can! I'll try to send you that virtual slice!


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