Friday, June 25, 2010

** Friday Bunny Wabbits **

I don't have any news to share about Scott. I guess I'll stick with the old saying, "No news is good news". I still feel myself barely breathing from time to time, and can only seem to perform mindless tasks around the house. Thus, dishes are getting washed (by hand!) and laundry is getting washed (by machine!)

I have lots of different things I've jotted down over the past week or so that I wanted to post on my blog. I decided to begin with some adorable Bunny Wabbit pictures!

This first picture is one of our back-yard bunnies, stretched out and enjoying himself in a little patch of dirt, among the grass. This part of the yard is right next to our deck.

This little bunny is standing on our front door mat, right next to the front door! The glass is part of our storm door and I took pictures while hiding behind the front door. I took the pictures sideways, looking through the crack where the hinges are. (Hope that makes sense.)

This picture is of the bunny biting at and trying to get pieces of the mat! I don't know if he was eating them, or wanted to take some "home". He was jumping and pouncing on the mat and really pulling at it with his teeth. It was hilarious! I also managed to get a short video of it, on the same camera, which I've been wanting to post, also. BUT, I took the pictures and video sideways, and for some reason, my photo program won't allow me to flip/turn a video, like it will a photo! Anyone have any ideas??

Animals never cease to amaze me and bring me such joy...even the squirrels who steal a lot of the bird seed we put out for our fine-feathered friends!

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France


  1. "Animals never cease to amaze me and bring me such joy..."

    I second that emotion! A couple weeks back, when things seemed to be going all wrong with the world --especially mine-- a little nest of bunny wunnies poked their heads out from a grassy, little safe place their mom had made for them in our front yard, and all was right with the world again! (Except for the bill-paying part. Bunnies don't carry a lot of cash on them, come to find out, but we enjoyed each others commpany anyway. LOL!)

  2. Nice music choice for the bunny pics!


    PS. I'm sure no news IS good news, but I bet you'll be glad to get him home.

  3. After your hair raising news from England, glad you can enjoy some hare raising in your yard!

  4. Great pictures, Becky! I wonder if the bunny is trying to take parts of your mat to use in building a nest? I hope you hear good news from your son soon. Have a nice weekend!

  5. I think those bunnies know you need some cheering up! They usually don't get that close to our house, but I love watching them play "tag" behind our pond. A very nice diversion when I'm hand washing dishes.

    Take care!

  6. Awww, nealry a cuteness overdose here today!
    Bunnies are so sweet :)

    Oh, and he was probably eating your doormat. Bunnies love to eat anything they can reach... hence why our telephone cable got chewed (seemed like cut with a knife), our bunny thought it would be okay to have for dinner :P

  7. Oh, and the visual of you taking the photo... priceless ;)

  8. Awwwww, Becky. That little bunny "wabbit" is really hoppin' cute! Thanks for sharing your photos. Susan

  9. What a busy bunny! You're a clever photographer to grab those action shots!


  10. Hey Ms. Sparkle Farkle!!Thanks for your ever popular and scathingly funny comments!! (I'm sorry it sounds as if you've had some money problems....please don't feel alone!)

  11. Hi Sue! (of Sue's News/Muse)....I know so many Sue's and Susan's,,,I'm having trouble keeping track of y'all!!
    My Playlist is set on random selection, so I'd love to know what music was playing for the bunny pics! And thanks for the thoughts about Scott!

  12. Oh my gosh, Bookie/Claudia!! I think you "win" for the funniest and most clever comment of the day!! Or maybe even week!! Thanks so much!! You sure made me laugh!

  13. Hi Daisy! Thanks! Yeah, I think the bunny must've been trying to take some back "home". I'd never seen one that close to the front door before or since. And thanks for the thoughts about Scott!

  14. Hi Janel! Thanks! You're a sweetie!

  15. Hi Estrella! I'm glad you liked the doses of cuteness!! :D
    And yeah, you should've seen me, hiding behind the open door, and trying to take "quiet" pictures! lol

  16. Thanks, Susan! What is it about bunnies that are just so darn cute?!

  17. Hi Pat! Thanks! Yeah, I'm amazed I got the pictures that I did. I hope to figure out how to post the short video I also took.

  18. Becky - at first glance I thought the rabbit was in your house! Nice pictures. Hope Scott will be home soon. sandie

  19. HI Chatty! Thanks! Yeah..That bunny was really brave, wasn't he? I'm still surprised and smiling about it! Thanks about Scott, too. I will post something about him soon!

  20. Animals, in my opinion, are extremely therapeutic! They can help so many people from so many different walks of life overcome many obstacles and strengthen their soul!

    Thanks for sharing these adorable photos with us!


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