Wednesday, July 21, 2010

♫♪♫ We're Having a Heat Wave, a Tropical Heat Wave ♫♪♫

Yesterday the rain and clouds played a game of Hide & Seek, and when they hid, the sun and heat appeared for awhile and made the sidewalks sizzle. More thunder/lightening storms late last night, and more sizzling heat today. But, I'm not going to complain, because: 1) What good does it do? 2) It is July in the Midwest. And, 3) We'll be complaining of the freezing cold soon enough!!
I've had a wonderful day so far and sincerely wish y'all have, too! My wonderful day started out with a sweet e-mail and the above fabulous red sunglasses from Miss Sparkle Farkle. She wrote to congratulate me on being the BON this past Monday, and said I may need these glasses from being in the spotlight!! Thanks, Sparkle!!

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -- Howard Thurman


  1. I agree with you about the weather :-)

    I like to sing that song in the winter, that's just my weird sense of humor!

  2. It's funny how we seem to be having almost the same weather, even though we are a few states away from each other! We had a 5 minute thunderstorm in the middle of last night.

    Don't you wish you could have the real version of those glasses? Fabulous!

  3. We just had a weird fast and furious storm and now the sun is out again. You can actually see the grass growing.

  4. You're right - we are always toohot or too cold! Loved the red glasses.


  5. Hi Kathie! Thanks for leaving a comment! That IS funny! I think I've done that before, when it's freezing here, and then the temperature rises above 32 degrees!! I like your sense of humor! :)

  6. Hi Janel! Yeah, it's kind of fun to think about the weather traveling East towards my friends in Indiana, Ohio and Michigan! And yeah, the red glasses are mahhhvelous!

  7. Hi Linda! I know! It's really crazy lately! Same here...I thought we may even have a rainbow, but didn't see one!

  8. Hi Chatty! Yep, there's just no pleasing us sometimes, is there?! And yes, I agree, very "cool" glasses!

  9. The weather is pretty similar here too, I always love it when it rains at night, great air freshener :P

    You'd look pretty in those sunglasses!

    And your title made me remember the very beginning of "Grumpy old men" and I'm now picturing you in meter high snow saying how hot it is :P

  10. love your quote. the weather is nuts, rin, heat, rain, heat. have a good not heated day.

  11. You're very, very welcome! Juust don't forget us when you get to Hollywood. LOL!

  12. Thanks Estrella, SparkleFarkle and Rose!! :)


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