Sunday, March 4, 2012

* Nostalgic Sundays *

Time for Another Nostalgic Sunday

I took a break this past week from everything that was stressing me out and it truly did me a world of good. I even stayed away from my laptop most of the time, so I wouldn't be tempted to start my sometimes-addictive-blog-hopping. When I took a good look at myself and my life, I finally saw what was mentally paralyzing me, and I said, "No more!"

I'm not going to quit blogging, but I'll be sticking to a strict schedule, as with a few other things. Okay, enough of that..... It's time for another Nostalgic Sunday!
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I just keep having those Cosmic Connections, those Twilight Zoney Moments.....
On February 18, I posted a poem I'd written which mentioned prop planes
On February 19, I wrote about prop planes again, and my dad, and Parks College.
I haven't been consciously thinking about that lately, but yesterday in one of those round-about ways, I somehow landed (Ha! Get it?!) on Ebay and in an aeronautical memorabilia section. I bought what I think is an amazing item, for an amazingly low price! I tried posting a couple of pictures of it, copyed from the Seller's page, but they didn't work. You'll just have to wait until I receive it to see photos. (And no, it's nothing with my dad's name on it, etc. Wouldn't THAT be awesome?!)

So, until then.....I leave you with two airplane photos I found on Google.

Well, would you look at that?? It's my Nostalgic an airplane!

I wonder if they were looking at the Flying Nun, too!?

Have a fabulous, blissful week! I intend to!

Welcome to my newest followers, Rae and Shirley. I hope you'll stop by often and always enjoy what you read and see. Thank you! 

"Never stop being a kid. Never stop feeling and seeing and being excited with great things like air and engines and sounds of sunlight within you." — Richard Bach author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull


  1. Love that show.

    You have been missed, hope all is fine now.

    I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.

    Thank you.
    Have a beautiful week ~

  2. That is funny with the family from Mayberry and then the picture of the flying nun! Makes you wonder if that is what they are so excited about!
    That is one reason that I don't blog every day...besides a boring life. lol. Which can be good! I would stress over it too much. Having to come up with something all the time. I don't know how people do it. Other's blogs are so interesting. I just can't think of that many interesting things in my life to write about. lol

  3. Becky--I think you're wise to stick to some schedule. Make it easy on yourself and less stressful, so you have time to do what you really want to do.

  4. Here's hoping that you make the most of your time, now that you've broken free from the ol' blog ball and chain!

  5. glad you had a good week...can't wait to see what you bought

  6. Hey Becky...glad you are back!

  7. LOL, those are cute photos. I like the one of the nun flying outside the aircraft.

  8. I gave my lie to become the person I am right now. Was it worth it? JLS

    Love, sandie

  9. Welcome back Becky. A schedule sounds very wise.

    Can't wait to see photos of what you bought.

    Have a fantastic week.

  10. It's so easy to let social media among other things to make us crazy. It sounds like you have chosen a healthy approach.

  11. I loved the Flying Nun; actually I liked sally Field in everything she acted in. Fun!

  12. Becky,
    I hope March is your month to fly high, and accomplish all that you want!

    Remember when people dressed up to travel? And work? And go to church? I think we may be a bit worse for our all-too-casual wardrobes all the time.

  13. Hi Becky,
    Glad you're back. Love the photos. Hope to see you at C&C tomorrow.

  14. I've had to look at my time usage as well and how easily I can be sucked into online stuff. Good for you for setting limits.

  15. Thank you for the welcome and for the email. I was blog hopping when I came across your blog and liked it so much I decided to follow.
    Those old photos bring back memories for me. I grew up in that era too.

  16. Once my husband retires in June, I am going to have to set some limits on my blogging, too. It will be good, I think.


  17. Hey, Becky! Glad you had a nice break. I know how EASY it is to get anything, really! We have to be vigilent and disciplined. (Hard to do.)

    Take care and have a nice week. Susan


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