Wednesday, January 29, 2020


If you've read my blog for a long time, you might remember my "I Wonder" posts. I scrolled through my blog looking for one of these so I could go back and see if Rose Petals from Heaven was still blogging, because she made the beautiful background to my photo! Thanks again, Mo!

This particular post really made me laugh out loud because the conversations continue to be this annoying, aggravating, etc. 

BUT, I've learned to just agree and keep quiet. πŸ˜‡

I Wonder

Oh, how annoying it is to suffer from lethologica, especially when you're a writer....

I wonder how many of you have heard of this word? I certainly hadn't until I accidentally came across it the other day. And oh, what a perfect word for so many of us.....   

Lethologica -  
noun: the inability to remember a word or put your finger on the right word.

Ah yes, and sometimes it's worse being on the receiving end of a conversation......


The Ronald: "Look at the guy in this commercial."

Becky: "Which one?"

The Ronald: "That blonde guy. Wasn't he in that TV show that used to be on?"

Becky: "What TV show?"

The Ronald: "Oh you know. That one about cops and detectives. We used to watch it all the time."

Becky: "We've watched lots of shows that sound like that. Can you give me a little more information, like what decade it was??"

....and my exasperation goes on...

"I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and -- I can't remember what the third thing is." -- Fred Allen

Wednesday, January 22, 2020


Recently, I've scrolled through my blog looking at photos I posted, and the topics I wrote about. 
And I gotta say, I wrote some pretty darn good blog posts! πŸ˜€

It almost makes me sad that those days are gone now, for me anyway, 
and I can't seem to get back into it.

Some people are still blogging just as much as they did long ago. 
I noticed most of my posts were done from 2009 to 2013.

Those were the years I was so passionate about writing; Working to get my memoir completed. Submitting stories here and there for possible publications. 
And the beginning of some wonderful relationships with blog friends. 
Many I still have. Many I need to work on.

I did complete my memoir and published it in November 2013. 

A lot has happened between then and now. Some good, some bad. Some happy, some sad. 

Here it is...the year 2020! That really does sound odd, doesn't it? 

I don't make bucket lists or predictions or promises, but I can say this...
I'm going to do everything in my power to live this year, the best I can.

And this guy here, who is smiling, brings me happiness every single day. 

"Charlie's the name. Bringing joy is my game!"

β€œTo live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Friday, January 17, 2020


Rosie's CAN DO Cook Booklet has been available for a while now, it is such a delight and selling like hotcakes! It's full of true stories about women during & shortly after WWII. Each short story comes with a recipe the author is familiar with, either by preparing, eating, or hearing about from relatives of those days.

It's such a bargain, too, at only $7.50 and with FREE shipping anywhere in the USA. What a great gift, especially for your mother, grandmother, aunts, etc. And of course, for yourself! (And don't forget about the older gentlemen in your life. They would surely enjoy reading the stories, possibly reminiscing about those days, and whipping up some of the recipes for themselves.)

It is sold on ETSY and I'm very proud to be part of it!