Monday, July 12, 2021

More Fun at Barnes & Noble

I don't think I've written about "Green Kitty" on my blog. I've been spending too much time on Facebook again. I swear, I need to set a timer and when it goes does Facebook!

There's so much news to share about this beautiful black kitty. I'm sure everyone is already thinking...Why is his name Green Kitty when he is obviously not green! May I just say for now, that it's kind of a long story, but I need to get back to my actual writing I'm doing! Yes, working on memoir sequel and stories for submissions to various places!!

I just had to buy this coffee mug at B&N because....well LOOK! Our kitty is this one's twin!

More to come soon, but I really have to do other stuff right now! 


  1. I am thrilled to hear that you are writing.
    Green Kitty is certainly related to our Jazz.

    1. Thank you, Sue! I can't believe we have a cat, because Ron and I were definitely NOT cat people! But he sure helps us to be not so sad about Charlie..

  2. Nice that you have a sweet cat to ease the sadness about Charle.

    So wonderful that you prioritize your writing. I admire you.

    1. Myrna, how wonderful to hear from you! I really do miss my blog friends. I'm hoping to be better at this. Don't admire me TOO much! Ha! I'm not focusing on writing as much as I many times laundry calls me or decluttering, etc. But I won't let that take too much time, or stop me !

  3. BECKY-O! ~

    My intuition (granted it is NOT "a woman's intuition"), which isn't worth the soul it's imprinted on, tells me that your black kitty is named "Green Kitty" because it has something to do with him being jealous of this, that, or the other thing.

    How'd my "man's intuition" do?

    ~ D-FensDogG

    1. Hey Stephen T! I'm SO happy to see you were here and left a comment! AND I apologize for not approving all your comments until just now. Time gets away from me, and at my age, that's not a good thing, is it?
      Now, to your answer about Green Kitty. Very good answer, but incorrect. In fact there's no way anyone would know without all the information.


I'm still getting quite a few spam comments that are Anonymous, so I'm trying "User with Google Accounts." If anyone tries to comment that I know, and it won't let you, send me an email, okay? Thanks so much.