Thursday, February 25, 2010

** Thursday's Thimble of Therapy **

Okay. I'm feeling a little bit rowdy today and I'm not really sure why. I was up until 2:00 am last night (er...this morning) writing and submitting something that meant quite a lot to me. I woke up "bright eyed and bushy tailed" about 6:30 am and I've been doing various tasks around the house ever since. Knowing my medical history, my temporarily energetic self will be hitting the wall soon and I'm sure to need a nap. But right now, I'm quite the opposite and feeling a bit hyper.

I have no idea why the word "rowdy" came to mind. I've never described myself by that word, ever! But it's the perfect word for how I'm feeling. I'm having some writing issues. I'm agitated. I'm discombobulated!

In fact, I probably need to get away from my laptop and go do some physical work. Not a problem! I have laundry to do. I have an entire room that needs decluttering...but do I really feel like doing those chores? Heck, no! Okay, I know what to do. Turn on some music and turn up the volume, and dance, dance, dance!

To Be Continued...........

"I know Kung Fu, Karate & 47 other dangerous words." - Unknown


  1. Hi Becky....Do you do a lot of freelance writing? How do you know where to submit articles? I know about that feeling of being fractured. It happens to all of us. Take care and hope you had a good day. Sincerely, Susan from

  2. I think the best thing to do when you feel like this is ... go shopping! A new book or pair of shoes will make you feel better. I promise!

  3. Hi Susan. Thanks for the encouragement! There's all kinds of writing sites...if you'd like to know more, I'll be happy to send you more info in an e-mail. Just let me know! No, I don't do what I would consider a lot of freelance writing. There are many writers that are constantly submitting something, somewhere.

  4. Awww...Thanks, Janel! Even just some window shopping would be nice. You know what I used to do when I'd be feeling a little low? Buy a pair of earrings! I can usually find an awesome pair for under $10.00, when I browse through all the sales, even at Macy's or Dillard's! Thanks for the ideas!

  5. Dancing's more fun than housework any old day!

  6. You are correct, Miss Pat! I danced in my office, and then into a bedroom and loaded up a basket of clothes, "walked" down the steps, and then danced into the laundry get the picture!

  7. I'm glad you said "to be continued" because I want to know how the rest of your day went. I know you must have been singing, too! Honestly, your post was a nice treat, 'cuz I just came back to get another look at the adorable chicken from your previous post. That is one cute chicken. I've never coveted a chicken before... :)

  8. Lisa, you are so funny. You made me laugh! Yes, I did do some singing, too, I must admit. I think it was during or after American Idol! My husband gets a kick out of me. He obviously does not hear my voice, the way I do!! Meaning: He thinks I'm pretty bad. But he smiles or laughs, because he knows I'm enjoying myself. And most of the time, I really lay it on thick, just to sound ridiculous! And, gosh, haven't you ever heard of the 11th Commandment? Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Blogger Friend's Chicken?!
    And be continued...later this evening!

  9. Dancing is always good in my mind. It cheers me up and helps to settle my mind. :-)

  10. Thanks, Daisy! Oh so true! I also think I should do it much more often and at a faster frenzy!...To lose some of those unwanted pounds!


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