Another beautiful Sunday in October.
Happy Nostalgic Sunday, everyone!
Before I begin my post for this evening, I want to address Friday's "I Wonder."
I feel as if I may have portrayed myself incorrectly, but I certainly didn't intend to. When I said "tough times," I didn't mean it was anything really traumatic! I'm so sorry! You left so many caring comments and I didn't mean to worry anyone! I pulled myself up by my boot straps, smacked myself around a little bit, and said, "Get over it!" So, I'm better now! I truly thank all of you for sending me your lovely thoughts. There is no mistaking that I have wonderful friends!☺
On to my nostalgic story for tonight: I had THE most incredible, nostalgic day in quite a long time! I won't go into a long explanation, because y'all would be bored with that, so here's the short version.
Two friends and I drove over to the small town not far from here, where we spent some of our growing up years.....our Wonder Years. They are brother and sister and lived next door to my family when we were young kids. We had a blast driving past old schools, churches, and grocery stores. Some places were still there. Some still looked a lot like they did....uh hem....50 years ago! Acccckkkkkkk! Some neighboring streets were sadly rundown, but our little one-block-dead-end street looked really good. Talk about a trip down memory lane....literally!
I'm aggravated with myself, though, because we were SO busy talking and looking and driving slowly, that I forgot to take any photos!! Duh!
Fortunately I had the presence of mind to have the waitress take our picture when we stopped for lunch. Unfortunately, she took two pictures and neither one is very good. (crappy camera plus poor lighting) Believe it or not, this is the best of the two!
That's me in the middle! I'm not naming my childhood neighbors, though.
Witness Protection Program and all....! |
"I remember a place... a town... a house like a lot of houses... a yard like a lot of other yards... on a street like a lot of other streets. And the thing is, after all these years, I still look back... with wonder.”
quote from the TV show, The Wonder Years.